Now your Sims will want to look after their health. When your Sim goes to a Health Check-Up Appointment, you might learn about problems with their fitness or their blood pressure. You'll be told what lifestyle changes your sim could make to improve them, and what factors are making them more at risk. Following the doctor's advice might be something you want to do because if left unchecked these health issues could lead to earlier natural death.

Like in the real world, where a Doctor's office would check your Basic Vital Signs, your Sims can now do the same by checking their Weight and Blood Pressure (future Vital Points will be made available with later updates).

Weight: A Health Vital Point that tracks the fitness and fat of your Sim. Being overweight or underweight will make your Sims get tired a little faster, and need a little more sleep in order to be rested.
Being overweight/underweight or having high/low blood pressure, can result in a higher risk of further problems with your Sim's health. Their lifespan is being subtly reduced for every moment they spend with these health issues. On the other hand, good fitness can extend your sim's lifespan.
Blood Pressure/BP: a Health Vital Point that can be affected by a Sim's age, traits, and fitness, and can fluctuate with their mood, energy levels, and hydration.
Age, Weight, Needs (Energy/Thirst), Mood and/or Traits. They must have three or more of the listed areas within each range in order to see a Health Report with High/Low Blood Pressure.
The only way to tell if your Sim has health issues is to attend a Health Checkup. A Health Checkup costs §500 per a Sim and can be scheduled in the Phone app called MyHealthPortal.
To set up a Health Checkup, you must first go to a Sim's MyHealthPortal app in the Household phone menu. From there, choose the option to Schedule an Appointment and the mod will guide you through the process of choosing who will be the patient and, if a child is chosen, a Caregiver (required). Then it will ask you what kind of Appointment you would like to schedule. For this update, you only have the option for a Checkup. Later the option for a Sick Visit will be listed here. After this step, you will choose any of the available Clinics to have your appointment.
***If you would like to have your Sim's appointment happen asap, you will need to cheat with pp.scheduleimmediately and then schedule your Sim's appointment. This will get your Sim seen asap, even outside of normal business hours.***

On the day of the scheduled appointment, your Sim will get a reminder. All PATIENTS will be put on Vacation so they are ready (mod adds a day of vacation so no days lost). Caregivers will be called away from any job or location they were at for the appointment.
When it is time, you will see a pop-up to start the appointment. Click this option and the mod will send your Sim to the location of their appointment. Once there, follow the Guidance System for this Appointment. It will tell you what you need to accomplish with each patient scheduled.
Health Checkup Process:
Check-in at a Check-In Kiosk
Complete Urinalysis with the Peeing in a Cup interaction at any toilet on the premises. Preferably the bathrooms that have Sample Carts inside for your Sim's ease of use. If none are nearby, your Sim will place it at the closest viable surface.
Complete your Sim's final checks by sending them to the Wellness Kiosk where their weight and blood pressure will be measured.
After all checks have been made, a Nurse Practitioner will bring the calculated results of your Sim's visit to the Sim's Exam Bed. These results can also be found in the Sim's MyHealthPortal app.
Your Sim can finally check-out once their results are delivered. They can do so at a Check-Out Kiosk where they will pay for their visit. Failure to pay will result in an addition to their Household bill.
If the Sim has High or Low Blood Pressure, please be sure to stop by our Capsule Kiosk (Pharmacy). This Kiosk will allow your Sim to buy medication that will assist with this issue. Your Sim will need to take this medication once a day. Failure to keep a handle on this diagnosis could later result in not just a shorter life-term but possible death through our upcoming custom illness, Heart Attack. You can also buy EA's medicine from here as well at any time until your Sim is required to have another Checkup.
Mod version 1.0.0 had an option called Private Practice in the travel menu of the Sim's cellphone. This option has been renamed to MyHealthPortal and moved to the Household menu. Inspiration for this change came from an app that my Medical Clinic uses call MyChart by Epic Systems. No, the app isn't as advanced as their app is, but we are just getting started on this new system. You can view any prior results from your Checkups and later Sick Visits from this phone option as well.
You should also see recommendations in your Sim's Health Report for when to return for another health checkup. This can be after their next birthday, after 24 days, or after seven days if they have a health issue that needs to be monitored.
When Sims are due for a Health Checkup, they can get a whim to attend a Health Checkup and an occasional tense moodlet for worrying about their health. Responsible Sims are more likely to worry about being late for a Checkup, and irresponsible Sims will never worry about their health.

A Health Report displays your Sim's fitness and blood pressure status at the time of the Checkup. Click on or hover your cursor over each of the results to read more information on what causes might be contributing to that issue, and what your Sim can do to improve it.