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In order to start with this mod, you will need a lot with the Private Practice Lot Trait. This can be any type of lot that is non-residential. If you would like just a Clinic, you can use the Generic lot type with this lot trait. I made a test clinic for you as well so you don't have to immediately build one. It will provide an example of what you will need for each function of the Clinic and see the potential for additional features to come. You can then build whatever kind of Clinic you would like. To add my test Medical Clinic to your game, you can either use the tray files included in the mod download and put it in your Tray folder, or you can look up the EA Account ID: SimRealist. When placing a pre-built Medical Clinic or Center, please be sure to go into Build Mode, confirm the correct lot type and trait, and then SAVE before attempting your first appointment. 


The release of Private Practice 2.0.0 will include Kate Emerald's Clinics and Center. They will also be available in the Gallery under the SimRealist name as well. The mod download will include both the Generic (Newcrest) Health Center and Kate's builds for your convenience. 


Objects you will need to have a complete Medical Clinic or Center are below. Kiosks and Sample Cart can be found in Community Items. The Private Practice sign can be found in Wall Decorations. The Get to Work Exam Bed can be found under Recreation objects with cheats testingcheats true -> bb.showhiddenobjects.

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