Hello Again!
I would like to take a moment and thank our Support Team Lead, Angie, for testing this update while I was at work. Most of you don't know that I work full-time at a demanding job and coming home to then work on updates can get exhausting. Especially since we updated so many over the weekend. So with her help, I was able to drop this a lot earlier than expected. Super thankful to have her on our team. ❤️
Now for the main event. R|E is finally ready to go for you to play out whatever story progression you can imagine. The bug reported on this mod, allowed us to pinpoint this same issue on our Mortem on Patreon as well as the upcoming Organic Feature Update that will be on Patreon this week. Please see below for what changes were made and how to download.
R|E (PUBLIC - Patreon version in development)
Fixed a bug from the previous version where an LE could be thrown upon loading the game.
DOWNLOAD: https://simrealist.itch.io/re-public
MORTEM (PATREON - Public version unchanged)
Fixed a bug from the previous version where an LE could be thrown upon loading the game.
DOWNLOAD: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61514008
Mod Support/Assistance
If you are experiencing an issue with an SR mod, please head over to our Discord server channels: #simrealist-mod-support or #patreon-mod-support (https://discord.gg/97hyxrM). DO NOT PUT SUPPORT QUESTIONS IN THE BELOW COMMENT SECTION! The Comment Section is more for feedback.
To connect a Patreon Account to Discord for support on Patreon versions, please follow these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role