Happy Monday!
We've had some support posts from Simmers who have quite a bit of mods running in their game or playing a good-sized lot with a lot going on. All of that leads to a slow response time from our Medical Examiner due to lag. We've updated this mod to remove the ME's animations of taking pictures and notes until we can approach this in a different way.
If you find that you are having issues with any of our mods, before confirming that it is an SR mod issue, first do the below. We've found that it often isn't our mods that are having issues, but what's going on in your mod folder.
Make a copy of your Mods folder;
Delete all mods in the original folder;
Download our SimRealist Experience mod folder https://simrealist.itch.io/simrealist-mods and unzip that into your empty Mods folder;
Delete localthumbcache.package and avatarcache.package;
Open your game and see that your issue is resolved;
Slowly put back some of the other mods from your previous Mods folder into your new Mods folder;
Delete localthumbcache.package and avatarcache.package;
Open your game and see if the issue has returned;
If it did, check for updates or remove** the mods that you just put in;
Repeat steps 6 through 9 until you either got rid of or updated all your outdated mods.
Please follow the below process to start back up the process if a Mortem process is lost during an update.
First, use the sims.get_sim_id_by_name [Sim's first and last names] command to get the Sim's unique ID number;
Then, use mt.registerdeath [Sim ID] to register back the death of the Sim on Mortem (the executor confirmation dialog should appear);
From here, you can either use mt.me.schedulecall to schedule the call again and go through the Mortem process, or use mt.runfuneral to skip straight to the end and get the remains of the Sim.
(Courtesy of Developer Lead - Victor Andrade)
To download this update, please go here: https://simrealist.itch.io/mortem
To download all our mods in one click, go here: https://simrealist.itch.io/simrealist-mods
If you are experiencing an issue with an SR mod, please head over to our Discord server channels: #simrealist-mod-support or #patreon-mod-support (https://discord.gg/97hyxrM). DO NOT PUT SUPPORT QUESTIONS IN THE BELOW COMMENT SECTION! The Comment Section is more for feedback.
To connect a Patreon Account to Discord for support on Patreon versions, please follow these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role.