Hello Everyone!
We are releasing the below updates to everyone. Sorry for the wait; we wanted to see how everything flowed with the new pack before releasing it.
We are currently working through updates and testing with Organic, Mortem, and the Financial Center. Once those have been addressed, we will circle back to any new features around the new Pack.
Before downloading, please note any comments included with their respective mods before playing.
Thanks again for your patience as we work through our updates.
CREDIT to TURBODRIVER and frankk for The One Py To Fix Them All script to mass update our mods for Patch 12/05/2023 PC: / Mac:
Noted Issue: The Mirror, Mirror, on My Wall mirror and Shaker Maker mirror, where medication is ordered from them, do not load into the Sim's inventory like the NSB Medicine Cabinet. Pillboxes, the Capsule Kiosk, and Online Order work as expected.
> DOWNLOAD: https://simrealist.itch.io/snbank
Noted Issue: The new Residential Rental lots from the For Rent pack override the mod's Lot Settings on Fast Internet and Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle if not the Sim's primary home lot. The taxes/bills from such a lot type come in as Misc at Billing for right now.
> DOWNLOAD: https://simrealist.itch.io/snb-bills
Mod Support/Assistance:
If you are experiencing an issue with an SR mod, please head over to our Discord server channels: #simrealist-mod-support or #patreon-mod-support (https://discord.gg/97hyxrM). DO NOT PUT SUPPORT QUESTIONS IN THE BELOW COMMENT SECTION! The Comment Section is more for feedback.
To connect a Patreon Account to Discord for support on Patreon versions, please follow these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role
The app won’t bring up a pop-up to manage accounts. But, the notification does.
I put SNB Bills back as I have Sims 4 For Rent. However I keep getting my stuff repo‘d because I’m overdue on rent and the option to manually pay it in the phone is nowhere to be found 😭. Am I looking in the wrong place? Anyone else experiencing this and/or know what to do?
Has mortem been updated yet?
Thank you guys for the fast turnaround. I know it takes a lot.
Is Real Estate Mod next? Only waiting on that one :)