If you were missing some of the new features for the latest version of Private Practice, you are not going crazy. I switched out the script file in the download to address that. It isn't necessarily a code update, so we are keeping to the version 2.3.0.
For mod support on, please go to our Discord.
- Private Practice: https://simrealist.itch.io/private-practice-public
- All-in-One Download: https://simrealist.itch.io/simrealist-mods
Mod Support/Assistance
If you are experiencing an issue with an SR mod, please head over to our Discord server channels: #simrealist-mod-support or #patreon-mod-support (https://discord.gg/97hyxrM). DO NOT PUT SUPPORT QUESTIONS IN THE BELOW COMMENT SECTION! The Comment Section is more for feedback.
To connect a Patreon Account to Discord for support on Patreon versions, please follow these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role
In the latest version of the mod, there is information about a log error in the script, can you fix it?