Update available for Private Practice that makes it compatible with the 1.58.63 Patch. This update has some minor issues we plan on resolving soon, so be on the look out for that!
Please remove all Private Practice files (including Data package file) and put a new set from the below download link. Please be sure you delete your localthumbcache before starting your game back up.
If you should have any issues, please post them in our Discord channel #simrealist-mod-support (https://discord.gg/W8Erfqu).
- Compatibility with game version 1.58.63
- Fame perks and biology degrees now give their benefits to the health sciences career
Known Issues:
- The 'Browse Simpedia' daily task for health sciences students completes itself without needing to perform the interaction
- The 'Read Medical Journals' interaction is available to Medical Resident sims on computers that are locked.
Patch Status for SimRealist mods:
SNB: Updated 11/13/2019 (
SNB - Bills: Public) - Compatible / (Patreon) - Updated 11/18/2019 ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/snb-bills-0-2-0-31664053
Private Practice: Updated 11/19/2019 (
Organic: Compatible